Tuesday 1 November 2016


The sources of online information are web pages and news feeds (RSS).

- Web pages.
A web page is a collection of documents that can include text, audio, video, images and hypertext links to other web pages. A browser is a program that locates a web page, for example Chrome, Safari or Firefox.
When we want find an specific information we use a search engine, is a web page with a database of information about other web pages and their content. 

- News feeds: Really Simple Syndication (RSS).
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a subscription service that provides users with frequent updates from media websites or other sources of information.
RSS news feeds are convenient and time-saving. Since subscribers receive the news automatically, they don't have to visit so many websites because people can subscribe in two ways:
·From the web page.
·Through a news aggregator program, for example Feedly.

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