Thursday 3 November 2016


The most popular tools for creating and distributing information on the Internet are web pages, blogs and wikis.

- Web pages.
The first step is to plan the design and content of everything.
The content must be interesting and visually appealing in order to attract the maximum number of visits. The steps that you must follow are:
1- Register a domain.
2- Sign up with a host server.
3- Design and create your web page.
4- Upload your page on the server.
5- Update your page regularly.

Domain names.
To register a domain you must choose a name.

Host servers.
Domain registration services may also provide hosting, and web page design companies often include both registration and hosting.

Designing a web page.
You need some basic knowledge of design, to insert images and change colours, will make your web page more attractive with this examples:

· Title.
The title indicate the topic of your web page and appears in the banner section of a web browser.

· Colour combinations.
You can combine colours for call the attention.

· A balanced layout.
The distribution are very important, we can use tables to structure the information in columns and rows.

Hyperlinks can be added to images or texts. There are two types:
· External links take us to other websites related to the topic.
· Internal links take us to a different part of the same website.

· Visual impact.
· The combination of  and .
· We can add animated gifs. We can also use dynamic text formats.

· Comments from users.
You shouldn't give any personal information on the Internet.

· Page order.
If you have created various pages, you can join them together with internal links.
· Linear order: One page follows another.
· Hierarchical order: We can link to any other page that we like.

Creating your web page.

1. Direct programming requires knowledge of programming languages and tools.

· HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used for static web page design.

· CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) is used to create the structure of a document.

· PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a language used to create dynamic web pages.

· MySQL is a database management system used for dynamic web pages.

2. Using a Content Management System (CMS): We can use CMS to create dynamic web pages. These systems have several advantages:
a) They are fast because they don't require direct programming.
b) Some are free.
c) Some CMS services offer a package that includes hosting and CMS installation.

There are also some disadvantages:
a) You cannot do anything you want.
b) CMS programs are complex and it takes a long time to learn how to use them.
c) You must have a server with enough storage space for the program.

The most popular services are Joomla!, Drupal and Wordpress.

3. Using a web development program: This type of programs translate your web page design into HTML language.
Some programs are more powerful because they have more functions.

4. Using the online hosting services that some pages offer: You select the elements of your web page from a menu with different options and add them to one of the many templates that are offered. The free versions have limitations:
a) They include advertising, which some people may find unattractive.
b)The web address may be rather long and difficult to remember.
Wix is one of the most popular.

Uploading a web page to a server.
You need to upload your CMS or your web page to the server.
You can use a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) programs to upload your web page to the server.

Completing and updating a web page.
The content is always up to date.

- Blogs
Weblogs or blogs are a special type of web page. There were originally used as online diaries for people to share their personal experiences. They are interesting because have other characteristics:
· The blog can be shared by various bloggers working together as a team.
· Can be include hyperlinks to photos, audio recordings or videos.
· We can use blogs to make daily reports.
· Businesses can use blogs to improve their customer service, by quickly responding to questions or complaints about their products.
Blogger, Wordpress and Tumblr are the most popular.

- Wikis.
wiki is a collection of web pages that visitors can edit, modify or expand. Adding new content to a wiki page is quite easy:
1- Click on the Edit button.
2- Make changes to the existing content or write a new contribution.
3- Finally click on the Save button.

Wikipedia is a universal encyclopedia with no restrictions on use, you can modify the content .

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